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Earthworms are nature's tiny garden heroes, working beneath the soil to create a thriving environment for plants. For beginner gardeners, these wriggly wonders, along with vermicompost and vermitea, can transform your gardening game. They enrich the soil, boost plant health and make gardening simpler and more sustainable.

Earthworms play a vital role in creating healthy, fertile soil. Their burrowing aerates the ground, allowing roots to access more oxygen. As they tunnel, they also mix organic material into the soil, breaking it down into nutrient-rich humus. The easiest way to encourage this is with a no dig style of gardening as by adding layers of Mulch regularly for them to fetch.

Their castings or worm poo, are packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen and potassium that plants love.
Vermicompost, the end result of worms digesting organic waste, is like black gold for your garden. It improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and provides a slow-release supply of nutrients. Vermitea is a liquid fertiliser is brewed from vermicompost and is teeming with beneficial microbes that promote strong, resilient plants.


The Earthwormade brand is a local Edenvale product
The Earthwormade brand is
a local Edenvale product
Earthworms are the true garden rockstar!
Earthworms are the
true garden rockstar!


Earthwormade Vermitea: A 100% organic liquid fertiliser locally made from the castings of red wiggler earthworms. Boost the health and growth of your plants with this biologically-active solution, containing vital nutrients and beneficial microbes for optimal plant nutrition.

Earthwormade Soil Conditioner: For Indoor Plant and Bonsais as a top up and to boost growth. Made from nutrient-rich earthworm castings, this product boosts soil structure and promotes healthy root growth. Enjoy lusher, stronger plants that are more resilient against stress from watering or pests.

How to use Earthwormade

  • The Indoor Plant Soil Conditioner is a ready to use top up on all indoor plants.  When planting up a container it can be used as an extra boost by mixing it into your mixture as you prepare to plant. And not just indoor plants. It is ready to use on your patio containers too!
  • Vermitea can be used as a drench mixed into your watering can using 1lt in 4lt of water that will fill your 5lt watering can. Apply every two weeks as part of the watering process.
  • Vermitea can also be used as a foliar spray to feed your indoor plants or bonsai. Mix 70ml into 1lt of water and apply liberally to the leaves of your plant top and underside of the leaves until dripping wet.
  • Bonsais benefit from organic feeding and Earthwormade is the perfect way to grow the best bonsai. From foliar feeding, drenching and soil treatments it one of the easiest ways to ensure success!

Starting with encouraging earthworms with loads of organic mulch or using vermicompost and vermitea is an easy and practical way to embrace organic and natural gardening methods. Your plants will thrive, your soil will improve, all thanks to these hardworking little helpers!

Find more helpful tips and tutorials on the Earthwormade YouTube channel


Earthwormade Indoor 
Plant Soil Conditioner
Earthwormade Indoor
Plant Soil Conditioner


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