The summer is certainly settling in with the hot weather the past weeks and with the rains finally here we are in for a fantastic summer! The one thing about summer gardening is the fact that everything just grows and grows besides all that there are so many things to do and plant in the garden during November and early December to get the garden party ready for the coming holiday season. A walk about the garden centre is inspiring with all the lush textures and glossy colour. Here are some of the must haves in the summer garden that caught our eye.
Durana Sapphire Flowers
This blue flowering shrub has petals tinged white and flowers in bunches that hang like jewels on the shrub. A fast growing shrub that easily grows to 2.5 meters in diameter it is also an idea shrub to shape and hedge in a small garden. The emerald green foliage will grow compact if cut regularly and also provide a screen if needed. Duranta has the common name of “Forget me not” and when you see this Duranta Sapphire Shower in flower you won’t!
Euphorbia Diamond Frost
There are two Euphorbias in the Proven Winner range that are just that – real winners for the summer garden. Look out for Diamond Frost and the new variety Diamond Fizz, as perennials they are smothered in white dainty flowers that you don’t see anything else but the flowers acting as a lace cloud over the plant. Perfect for mixed container plantings where it adds a sparkle to the arrangement or as a border plant where it is water wise and will cascade along the edge. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend and these two beauties are worth collecting!
Australian Tree Ferns
Cyathea or as we know them Tree Ferns look so tropical and lush this time of the year, we love them. They should be planted in a semi-shaded spot where they are protected from midday sun. They grow quite fast depending on care and will quickly form a trunk so consider the space you have for them as they do not like to be moved once established. Make sure they are in a position where you can water it every day. Drainage is also important as the plant needs lots of water but will not tolerate being waterlogged. Plant your tree fern with loads of compost and feed regularly with Bounce Back organic fertiliser to get the leaves large and lush.
Fabulous Fuchsias
Ballerina flowers as they are also known because of the way the flowers look like dancers in bright tutus grow best in semi-shade or morning sun afternoon shade. This time of the year they shine as they flush into bloom and we get fresh varieties in each week. Read more on Fuchsias here.