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With spring certainly going to be early this year are you ready? Plant some instant colour to fill in the gaps, sort out the lemon tree and a with a few more steps spring will be knocking at your gardens door. Here’s our quick checklist of what you should be doing in your garden to bring on spring.


Indigenous Cape Nemesia
Indigenous Cape Nemesia
Pollinator Friendly Blue Felicia Daisy
Pollinator Friendly Blue Felicia Daisy


6 things you should be doing in your garden right now

One - Plant some colour

Planted now, spring colour will last till the end of October giving your garden a boost of colour just when it looks a bit drab. Keep them fed with Multifeed Flowergro added to the water once a week and take of the deadheads to stimulate more flowers. Plant Primroses, Pansies, Violas as well as the dainty white Chrysanthemum and fragrant Alyssum to herald the coming spring.

Be on the lookout for our indigenous rockstars of the spring garden. The Cape Nemesia as well as the Blue Felicia Daisies need little care to do well and both are particularly good plants for pollinators.


Two - Feed your lemon tree

Everyone loves a lemon tree in the garden to give an almost endless supply of lemons to the kitchen. Lemon trees will come into flower soon and then flush new foliage. By feeding now with BioGanic your tree will have the nutrients it needs ready as soon as the weather changes, giving you the best chance of a good crop and a healthy tree. As soon as the new leaves start apply Complete 350, a systemic insecticide, to prevent the bumps on the leaves.
Our tip:Pick off all the fruit on your tree now, feed, water and let dry out till the leaves start to flush.


Three - Mulch the garden

One of the best ways to be Water Wise in your garden is to mulch the beds. Use the leaves and cuttings from the pruning to mulch the garden beds. One cannot overemphasise the value of mulch to the garden especially when you are considering the environment. Mulch regulates the soil temperature, retains moisture and encourages earthworm activity naturally in the garden. Using your own garden waste is the first step in recycling and improves your organic gardening point!


Four - Check out the irrigation

As soon as the temperatures start to rise so too will your watering levels. Check your irrigation now to see what parts need updating and which sprayers have blocked through winter. Especially after pruning there always seems to be some sprayers damaged or moved while you are in the beds doing a clean-up. If you do it now it won’t be a rush when its gets warmer and then suddenly you can’t water because a pipe miraculously got a hole in it.


Five - Indoor plant maintenance

After the winter your indoor plants will also need to be refreshed. On a warm day place them in the bath or on the patio and rinse the leaves down to remove all the winter dust so that they can breathe a bit easier.  Top up with a handful of potting soil and check for any signs of scale or mealy bug and spray them with Oleum, this will not only get rid of the bugs it will also act as a leaf-shine leaving them all glossy and looking fresh. Feed them with Nitrosol and make sure when you feed them the water runs out the bottom of the pot. Once they have dried off return to the rooms where they stand all ready for summer. NB: Don’t stand them outside in the sun - they will die from sunburn even in winter.


Six - Sort out your containers

The container plants also need a boost this time of the year. Remove the top layer of soil and add a couple of handfuls of compost to top them back up. A handful of BioGanic and a good watering till the water runs out the bottom of the pot will get them started. If you have pots of bedding plants feed them with Multifeed Flowergro every week till it’s time to take them out. If you are changing them now for spring remove half the soil and replace with some fresh potting soil.

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