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Did you know that all Pelargoniums are Geraniums but not all Geraniums are Pelargoniums? Whichever you are planting this spring makes you a rockstar in our world. They are waterwise, plants for pollinators and have indigenous origins.

Regal Pelargoniums, are distinguished by their large, ruffled blooms and striking colours ranging from deep purples and plum tones to soft pinks and whites. Grow the best in morning sun afternoon shade in in well-drained soil and deadhead regularly for success.

Spring gardening sees these wonderful gems shine in our garden centre. Available in various sizes ready to grow in your garden or on the patio.


Regal Geraniums Rule
Regal Geraniums Rule
Pelargoniums are not all Geraniums
Pelargoniums are
not all Geraniums


They are indigenous from the Cape where they have a very well-drained soil so even if they get a lot of rain or water they never go to be with wet feet. Growing them in Gauteng makes them waterwise and quite drought hardy but they do very well if regularly watered and stay damp not wet.

The best spot for them is in a mostly sunny to full sun spot. Heat from a west facing wall is too hot for them but they are extremely adaptable and will settle in any spot as long as its not shady.


Grow Pelargoniums in a sunny spot
Grow Pelargoniums
in a sunny spot
Keep them damp but never wet
Keep them damp
but never wet


To grow the best Regal Pelargoniums feeding through summer is important. Plant them with loads of compost to improve the soil condition. Add BioOcean organic fertiliser at planting and feed with Multifeed Classic while they are budding and flowering. After flowering mulch, them with some compost and a feeding of BioGanic organic fertiliser will help them rejuvenate and become lush for later summer.


Feed Regal Pelargoniums with Multifeed Classic
Feed Regal Pelargoniums
with Multifeed Classic
Perfect for patio containers
Perfect for patio containers
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