The roses have started their autumn flush as their ode to summer and a last hurrah before they pass into winter mode. Autumn rose flowers last longer as the heat does not finish off the blooms and the cooler nights leads to more intense colours and fragrance. They can have some problems from bugs to black spot but that easy to control or limit.
Growth slows down through autumn but that does not mean that the roses will stop flowering. They may flower a bit less but the show can be as good as the summer flush. One thing to remember is that the roses will draw the energy out of the leaves to store in the stems for the next season.
With that in mind keep as many leaves as possible on the bushes especially when deadheading spent blooms and remove diseased leaves to try and contain the spread.
Quick Tips for Autumn
- Roses need full sun to half-day sun.
If they get to much shade you will find that they do not flower. After summer there are often trees and shrubs that have grown up and over to shade the roses. Lift and cut away branches to allow more light and sun in on the roses. - Water roses less frequently but more thoroughly.
A deep watering once a week will keep the roses looking good this time of the year. Mulch around the base with a layer of compost to help retain moisture and improve the condition of the soil. Keep the leaves dry to limit fungus diseases through autumn. - Feeding is important.
Bio Ocean organic flower food is a simple easy way to feed. Being organic it is slow release and it also promotes stronger growth that is more disease resistant and flowers that are tougher with more intense colour that last longer. BioOcean can be used safely in containers too. - Keep deadheading the old flowers. This encourages more flowers.
Bugs and fungus:
It is inevitable with autumn roses that one will get black spot and mildew both as a result of summer rains. Black Spot is prevalent on the lower leaves and can be identified as yellowing leaves with big black spots on them. In autumn this is the hardest to control and is part of the end of season. Remove the worst leaves to limit the spread. Spray with Funginex to help slow it down.
Mildew is the white powder like substance found on green leaves. This is prevalent particularly after a spell of rain followed by heat then more rain. The higher humidity and lack of airflow in the middle of the bush will help it spread. Use Copper Count to clear it and Funginex to help slow down the spread.
The few Aphids on the roses this time of the year one can leave as part of natures cycle. They won’t damage the rose bushes before the winter kills them of naturally.